
    “When you work at the NW Incident Support Cache, doing your job right is an emergency. Responsible for ensuring crews have the supplies they need to go out and safely, effectively fight wildfires, this team directly supports fire suppression efforts all over the region.
    According to his coworkers, Jo-Al is a perfect example of an individual who can be “a great addition to a team” and call out his “positive attitude, great work ethic, and desire to work with integrity.” What more than that can any employer desire from a team member?
    His supervisor, Tena’ya Stanton says, “We need to accomplish our mission at a high rate of intensity and demand,” and Jo-Al is part of a large team that is “focused on providing support to local, regional, and national incidents.” Jo-El is doing a job that ensures quality and safety supporting fire crews who need team members who are productive and reliable. Dare we say that in this job, Jo-El is on fire?”

    Employment First Success Story Katie